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Felicia Garcia

The Mindset Stuff

In my last post, I talked about how much physical activity, just a small bit everyday has changed my mental health. It honestly took a long time for me to get to this point. I had to let go of a lot of limiting beliefs before I had the humility and courage to open my mind and give something new a try.

In this post, I want to talk about a podcast that has helped me with my mindset. Its called Be Radically Authentic with Carolina Ximena.

To be completely honest with you, I got to meet Carolina in person before I started listening to her podcast. She had booked in with me. I remember that first appointment, she made me laugh so hard and her humor felt so aligned with mine. In the next few appointments we had, I learned that she is a life coach. I haven’t come across anyone in that career path yet and thought it was unique.

Fast forward months and months and I was laying awake at night, listening to my partner snore, which in my opinion is just bragging that your asleep, so I was annoyed by that but also I was questioning everything.

What is wrong with me?

Why can’t I be more productive?

Why can’t I be disciplined to lose weight and be healthy?

I was in spiral city cruising on the anxiety train, and it was NOT stopping.

And then I remembered Carolina and that she is a life coach and thought about looking her up.

So I did at like 1:30am. I found her website and liked what she was promoting and the idea’s she had.

At the time, she would talk about human design and astrology but did so in a way that felt practical in everyday life. She was offering human design readings and I thought well I feel like I hit rock bottom mentally, this could be a good birthday gift to myself.

A few weeks later, I received my reading. She did such a good job explaining everything and making it so easy to apply into my life. There were moments that my mouth would drop because she was able to call me out on things that I never disclosed to her. Her intuition inspired me.

I continued to follow her on Instagram and just kept up with her content as she transformed it to be more aligned with her. I followed her to her YouTube channel and soon after her podcast.

Her podcast quickly became something I look forward too every Wednesday. Especially at a time in my life when I didn’t feel like I had a lot to look forward too. It was just what I needed. Her messages from each episode embedded in my head over time. I started to apply her advice little by little, bit by bit, and I slowly started seeing changes in my mindset.

Now I want to share with you some key takeaways from her podcast that hopefully inspires you to give it a listen or at the very least give you some idea’s to apply to your life.

  1. She reminds me to always put my authentic self first and let it shine bright in the world.

  2. Cycle tracking. This might be an odd one but has certainly changed the way I think about myself on a monthly basis. I never heard of this until I started talking and listening to Carolina. I track my menstrual cycle so that I can give myself grace during times I don’t feel my best. I used to hate blaming my period for things because I didn’t believe it really had much of an impact, so instead I would blame myself for how I was at the time. I was really hard on myself, so much so, that it would hold me back from the good things in life. Now, I log where I am at everyday, I know exactly what part of my cycle I am in and to take that into consideration as I go throughout my day. However, I don’t hold myself back from things knowing it’s my “luteal phase”, for example, but rather I still do whatever I need/want to do in the moment and if it doesn’t feel the same as it did another time, I know I can blame that on being in that phase rather than blaming myself as a person and letting the low moment define who I am as a person.

  3. Journaling. Now I don’t do this everyday. But, it really does help when I do. Most days however, I log my mood in my phone and I find the reflection on how I felt generally throughout my day helpful in determining what impacts my mood the most throughout my days (I use the Health app on my iPhone for this).

4. She teaches and preaches the importance of showing up for yourself. And how not showing up for yourself puts that energy out into the world and attracts others who won’t show up for you either. This is huge for me. Now, I don’t want to send the message that if you don’t do x, y, and z on your to do list that you are a bad person and you won’t have good friends. What I took away from this message is that showing up for yourself will look different every single day, one day it might mean going for a walk, another day it might be making your bed, another day it might just be getting all of your water in, but the most important thing is reflecting on the fact you did that for you and because you did, you will attract others who will show up for you too. Along with this, she talks about the importance of boundaries and how they too are a way you are showing up for yourself. Saying no is okay. Which, as a self identified people pleaser, I need this reminder constantly.

Side note: also give the “Grow with Intention by MuchelleB” podcast a listen, particularly the episode called “How to Leave your People Pleasing Era”, it pairs nicely with this message.

I find the Be Radically Authentic podcast relatable, not only in the way Carolina speaks and structures each episode but in how she pulls from her own life experiences. It allows me to have a mid-week reflection and gives me ideas on how I can put my best foot forward for the rest of the day, week, month, and year.

Obviously, this podcast and working out daily aren’t the only things that leave me feeling so great these days.

Honestly, the weather has an effect on me and currently where I’m located is seeing a lot more sun than it has in months.

I also have a therapist (is it obvious?) who has validated my experiences and solidified more constructive ways of looking at my past, present, and future.

I’m also in a relationship with someone who is perfect for me. He is supportive, funny, and kind and truly makes everyday brighter no matter if the sun is out or not.

I also have to give credit to my family who has taken me (back) in and supports me through the struggles of inflation.

And last, but not least, my friends. Carolina’s podcast has really made me reflect on who I want to surround myself with and has given me the courage to reach out to people I feel aligned with and let go of those who I don’t. So I would like the end of this post to be a shout out to my friends who make me laugh, let me cry, and encourage me to chase after my goals regardless of how often we see each other.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and my other posts lately. It really means a lot.

I hope in reading this it inspires you in some way, even if at the very least it brings you to the Be Radically Authentic Podcast (and maybe a spin class?? lol).

Wishing you well,


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